3 Arrests, A Police Lineup, and a 2-Day Trial (THE FINALE)


Part 1 in case you are absolutely new to this story.

Part 5.75 if you missed the last one.

I specifically wanted to have one separate blog post for the disrespect that is about to ensue, targeted towards the old hag of a bitch and the posterchild of people who should not reproduce to prevent further contamination of the human species who was more or less the reason for my 2-year ordeal in the first place. In case God didn’t reserve a special place in hell for this devil of a punyeta who was so desperately trying to put me in jail, who put me through the most miserable time in my life, the least I could do is dedicate a special place on the Internet for her where I essentially trauma-dump and curse this bitch out in the worst of ways. It is extremely important to know that I was raised by my mother mostly and I have the utmost respect for women but yo, this sociopathic bitch is much closer to a hyena in species than a woman. The disrespect will be unparalleled in this blog post, so reader discretion is advised. 

I get called to the stand. It is extremely nerve-wracking for a man with crippling anxiety to be in such a quiet room to begin with, but not only is this room a fucking courtroom, everybody is gathered there essentially for me and my case, so best believe I am quite literally shaking. Ms. Ho says “State your name for the courtroom please” and now begins the most terrifying set of my life. “Yuri Tomiyama.” I resist the urge to continue with “Hollywood Road Jap Boy Southside Kyushu all day” and rep the gang but this is neither the time nor place for that, but jesus my voice sounded so shaky on the microphone I felt like I had to say some hard shit to compensate. Like the others, I was asked my religion to which I wanted to reply Hinduism just to see what would happen but I had to set my ADHD aside and reply none and the trial continued. Honestly though my part of the trial was quite boring because all I had to do was tell the truth. The cute little prosecution lawyer girl who I wanna cook yakitori for and my lawyer, Mr. Hunter take turns asking me questions of the night and I really just answered them as is. The only part that I choked on was when the prosecution asked “Were you angry at the time of the incident, and if you were not being held back what do you think would have happened” and you see, prosecution lawyers are slippery like that because even though you didn’t do it, they try to paint a character of you for the judge that it could have happened outside the scope of the camera and I wasn’t expecting such a question so I stuttered and I paused for like 10 seconds to find the right words as my boner for this girl subsided and I could see Mr. Hunter’s look of concern from my peripheral because I definitely fucked this question up but I managed to end it with “Yes I was angry, who wouldn’t be after being cursed out at and threatened for 10 minutes, but as you can see from the camera I never leave the frame so no, I wasn’t capable of doing the crimes I’m being accused of.” I felt hurt, betrayed. The devil sends the cute ones to do his work. I won’t dwell too much on my part of the trial because it was the most straightforward part in the whole ordeal - except for the fact that it was so fucking subzero cold in the courtroom it made me wanna piss real badly and I can say with confidence that if my queen Judge Ho did not call for a recess after my part of the trial, I for surely would have pissed myself in that ice skating rink and I’m pretty sure that’s some sort of felony. I DEFINITELY did not want to be the “Ay what you in here for?” “I pissed myself at trial” head ass mf like there is literally NO coming back from that LOL.

In terms of order, this horrid abomination of failed botox was next, but I will reserve that spot for last, so for writing’s sake I will talk about Manny’s turn on the stand first. Anybody that knows Manny will know that him just being in a courtroom is hilarious as fuck, and you can’t take either one of us anywhere because of our combined chaos and our severe inability to take anything seriously. Keep in mind, Manny got a big afro, is half Nigerian and half Cantonese with Canto being his first language, and is THE most Chinese man I’ve ever met in my life. I would not be surprised if I was walking by a park one day and this mf just out here doing tai chi with aunties to Chinese folk music blaring out a radio with the antenna on it. Like I literally would be like “Yeah he probably do this all the time” and keep it movin’. Won’t even say hi because I don’t wanna fuck up his third eye zen shit. Like Manny has taken us to the MOST underground restaurants in Sham Shui Po where he somehow is best friends with the 70-year old uncle and can get off-menu shit in a restaurant with no menus. But yeah, that’s my bossman and my brother from Ozu so you know we both some demons and here we are, in the courtroom together, the all-star players for the Ozu Degenerates, the Hollywood Road Hoodrats. Manny walks in with his lil’ tie and like I said, it is impossible to take any of this shit seriously with him in the equation so we immediately meet eyes and crack a smile just laughing at ourselves and the situation that we in. 

Judge Ho goes “May I please call upon defence witness Leung, Sai Ho to the stand” and it’s already fucking hilarious because that’s Manny’s government name, and everybody is dumbfounded, looking around for a Chinese dude and wondering who this big black dude with a fro is and I’m just dying laughing on the courtroom bench while everyone is confusedly staring at him and their papers wondering who the hell this guy is. The courtroom was absolutely intrigued with Manny to say the least. The intro alone went something like this:

“Are you…. Leung Sai Ho?”


“Leung, Sai Ho, is that your real name?” 

“Yes your honour.”

“Are you from Hong Kong?”


“Why do you have a Chinese name?”

“My dad was Chinese. My mama is Nigerian.” 

“Lei sik mm sik gong guangdongwaah?”

“Hai, sik gong.”


The whole courtroom is absolutely impressed by Manny and I’m still in my corner on the bench dying laughing as this man is being examined like a rare breed of an endangered species but it’s good because the crowd is into it. Once they got over the fact that Manny is both Chris Tucker AND Jackie Chan, his part of the trial was also pretty straightforward - end of the day all him and I had to do was tell the truth, in detail. The video footage was brought up and again, he was asked to identify himself on camera and it went something like this.

“Can you identify yourself in this video?”

“Yee. That’s me in the bottom left corner, with the uh.. big hair.”

“Alright… And what were you doing at the time of incident, you would say?”

“I was uh.. As you can see uh… I was talking to some girls, you know, entertaining customers”

I don’t know what it is but with us everything is funny and for some reason this mf sounds so sheepishly guilty that he’s talking to these girls on camera so I’m on my bench stifling a laugh the whole time but again, it is good that he is my witness because he indeed was in between me and the vIcTIm the whole time and it was definitely impossible for me to make any further contact. Rush Hour 4 finishes his testimony without anything out the ordinary happening, he walks out the courtroom as I dap him up cuz that’s family for life and, as I mentioned earlier Manny was actually the last to testify so he waited for me outside the courtroom and as soon as I came out we met eyes and he didn’t talk about the case, he didn’t talk about the verdict, he didn’t talk about his time on the stand,  he doesn’t even ask me if I beat it, instead he goes….

“so……. that prosecution lawyer girl kinda cute huh?” LOOOOOOL I KNEW THIS MF AIN’T SHIT HAHAHAH.

Ok. So. My hate letter for this demonic excuse of a human is about to commence. I’m not even going to lie to you, my hands are shaking from anger just reliving this moment, at the absolute horror that such a vile creature is allowed to exist in this world, that such sociopathic behaviour is sometimes actually rewarded while they get to go on living their pathetic lives where their life is as meaningless as a protective case for the Nokia 3310. I don’t think I’m allowed to post her name here but she has the nerve to have the word ‘Angel’ in it and I almost vomited in my mouth again just thinking about it that someone can disappoint their parents so badly to become something on the opposite end of the spectrum. From here on out I will not be referring to this bitch as A, but variants of absolute disrespect. 

Did you know the word oyakodon 親子丼 literally means, parent and child donburi? Kinda gruesome if you think about the fact that it's chicken and egg on rice where it's a dead family reunion in a bowl. Once you get past that morbid fact, it makes for a great comfort food and yo the shit is so easy to make and quite healthy also, packed with protein so it’s a great guilt-free pleasure for those people that drink vodka sodas only and go to the gym to offset their cocaine use. Aight so boom, here’s a simplified recipe because don’t nobody got time to steep konbu and katsuobushi in water overnight to make dashi we ain’t Japanese like that so start off with those trusty katsuobushi packs from Donki or wherever then superman that ho in the microwave for about 40 seconds and crush it up with your hands to create that powder like you may have done last time with my yakisoba recipe. Try your best not to snort this powder, chop up like half an onion in slightly bigger chunks (you can also substitute this with thinly sliced leek, I feel like onion adds more natural umami and sweetness though) and dice up your chicken thigh in bite-sized chunks and sprinkle a bit of sugar (yes sugar) on it  and around 2 tbsp of soy sauce and rub it in like that one time your girl was wrong and you were right oh btw here’s a tip in case you’re slightly new to the kitchen cut all your veg first before the meat so you don’t gotta wash your chopping board twice or risk getting cinderella. So the sugar makes sure the chicken doesn’t dry out and the soy sauce adds a bit of an undertone to the flavour. Obviously you can use chicken breast but I have given up on my summer body 2028 so we using thigh and cook that skin down until. again, the meat got that nice Timberland colour and you hear Jadakiss and Fat Joe in the background then toss in your onions and let that cook in the chicken oil for a little bit. Make your shiru, or your oyakodon stock which is that katsuobushi powder, 2 tbsp water, about 2 and half tbsp of mirin, and half of the amount of mirin for soy sauce and see if you fw the taste, adjust accordingly. Turn the heat OFF and then fo shizzle drizzle this stock into the pan and sprinkle some Uncle Roger, yes MSG, the cocaine of cooking, the Make Shit Good to add umami. Turn your heat on low and I always said cooking with induction is like cooking with a condom on but that’s what I will have to use and then stew this mixture til the onions get nice and soft and the flavours infuse and then lightly beat two eggs like your favourite child committed a misdemeanour but not a felony and then drizzle half of it in a circular motion to cover the chicken and onions. Simmer on low heat for like a minute? And it should be a nice hanjuku, half cooked state then drizzle the other half of your lightly disciplined eggs and then cook on low heat for like a minute. Don’t give me no shit about wow that’s so much cholesterol cuz maybe if your only form of exercise wasn’t jumping to conclusions then you could have two eggs in one day. Some people like their eggs fully cooked but I like em runny so totally up to you and then for garnish it’s usually a mitsuba which is like a 3 leaf vegetable but this probably not so accessible so just chop up your trusty spring onion or even garnish with coriander and then manoeuvre this dead family over a steaming hot bowl of rice. Goes great with Yardbird shichimi or Flagrant Hot Sauce actually, no I am not getting paid to promote us but it is a fact. JUST A NOTE if you are cooking to impress your crush on IG again this is NOT the dish because it looks like something you would see on the floor in the wee morning hours in Wan Chai but TRUST ME it is fire and is a very comforting and hearty dish.

So this bitch walks in looking like both the before and after picture of a chin surgery and sits down on the stand. The chair screams. When Chinsanity is asked if she has a religion she wishes to swear upon before she testifies, this bitch obviously replies no because her only belief in life is that 5G is giving her headaches, and then she’s proceeded to be asked the non-religious version of the “Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” To which she replies in perfect English, I do, and the judge continues to ask informal questions such as her name and occupation to which she replies in perfect, CANADIAN English, and then finally when she’s asked what language she wishes to conduct the rest of the trial in, she notices that my lawyer is an old white guy….. AND DECIDES ON CANTONESE!!!!! DO YOU NOW SEE WHY I HATE THIS CONNIVING PIECE OF SHIT MORE THAN THE ACTUAL GUY!? Not only would this NOT even be a thing in the first place if she didn’t freak out over her dick appointment gone wrong when he tries to fight a whole bar but NOW YOU’RE TRYING TO LIE UNDER OATH IN A LANGUAGE MY LAWYER DOESN’T UNDERSTAND!? You bilingual fucking heathen, I can tell by the way you talk you have your eggs frozen in some dusty ass fridge next to the peas carrots and corn veggie mix PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE you sociopath fuck I pray to God that a wire trips and your freezer stops working overnight so you lose all potential of offspring so the world will be a better place. No amount of makeup can cover the absolute filth of a human being this bitch is but judging by the red velvet cupcake on her fucking face she damn sure is trying smh bitch got a whole bakery on her visage. I can feel my blood pressure going up as I type this, it was actually sickening. Like just how badly does this bag of shit want me in jail when LITERALLY all the evidence says I’m innocent? EVEN THE JUDGE had the raised eyebrow look like oh? Proceed. 

Anywhooo the prosecutie who has slightly betrayed me starts asking the Cake Boss questions first in Cantonese and from the bits of Canto that I understand, I knew a few things were certain:

  1. Houseplants die around her

  2. She peaked in grade 7 when she played the triangle as an instrument

  3. Sephora need to choose a new colour for her foundation cuz yuck

  4. She has a face for radio and a voice for subtitles

  5. Before she goes to sleep at night, she prays to her God, Amber Heard.

  6. She is absolutely playing the victim and trying to paint me as the criminal because she is describing how the night went down in her delulu space between her ears that she has the audacity to call a brain.

My blood is boiling because she keeps looking towards and pointing at me as she gives her statement and I can genuinely say that she seemed to be enjoying this moment being up on the stand, all eyes on her, basking in her pathetic version of 15 minutes of fame where she doesn’t have to think about the fact that menopause is about to kick in her door waving the .44. Does she realise that if I’m actually convicted for something I didn’t do that it will affect my life… forever? Does she realise the magnitude of fuckery she is pulling, literally lying on the stand… and for what? For justice? If justice existed her plastic surgeon would be serving life rn don’t take that shit out on me? Is she just upset that Kim Kardashian doesn’t reply to her “Can you please follow me back I’m a huge fan” DMs? Do you have any idea how embarrassing and… scary it is to get arrested in the airport in front of everybody you just shared a plane ride with? Yeah I was fucking scared. I have never been so scared in my fucking life because they said I fled the country which is a whole different charge and I thought I was about to do the time… without even doing the fucking crime! At least if I did it I could live with it but this was a whole different story. To this day I get PTSD every time I’m at immigration, heart racing like crazy. That’s what the fuck I have to live with. Keep in mind, this trial is on my fucking BIRTHDAY. This bitch really think she the main character up there on the stand but what she needs to do is consult a ouija board and try to communicate with all the dead skin cells on her face and beg them to come back because my god, her soul is so evil it’s deforming her face. Skin follicles if you are here in this room with us give us a sign.

Video footage is pulled up again, but of course they skip past the parts where she is trying to restrain her fucking manchild, skip past all the parts where he is cursing us out and threatening us, directly to the part where I shove him out of Ozu and this horrid, dreadful bitch made it seem like it was the most violent and aggressive thing to ever get caught on camera but that’s a lie because her denim skirt had holes in them that night and she’s definitely in her late 40s and in Cantonese I can hear her saying how I was the instigator and how she had to shout for us to stop like her man wasn’t tryna come at us and being restrained in the process and then getting his shirt ripped but only on the nipple area so that’s indecent exposure ho. It’s my lawyer Mr. Hunter’s turn to cross examine this heinous walking haram of the lowest form and of course, she made it difficult by doing the whole thing in Cantonese to try and one-up my poor Scottish mans. So he’s asking the questions in English, and she’s replying in Cantonese while a translator translates and even the judge is clearly disgusted because there are moments when he will ask the question and she will start replying in Cantonese without waiting for the translation or even accidentally replying in her perfect English and then catching herself and switching to Canto. Sometimes would even have the nerve to flash a smirk like oops I forgot I need to manipulate the situation and make it hard for this white lawyer. Absolutely horrific behaviour. I don’t even have a punchline for this. I really think she is a human of the lowest form and if she was in a burning building and all I had to do was give a small itty-bitty morsel of a fuck to save her with literally 0.1% of empathy required…. I would not give a SINGLE. FLYING. FUCK. Here’s how some of the cross-examination went with Mr. Hunter. 

“So, Ms. A, according to you the defendant banged your partner’s head on the metal gate a total of 4 times correct?”

“Ye-….. I mean, hai” *continues in Cantonese

“Ok, very well. Can we pull up the video footage and you can pinpoint exactly when the defendant does so?”

We are rewatching the video like 2 or 3 times and again, this fucking parasite of a hag is struggling just like her man because, again, I DIDN’T FUCKING DO IT but like her man, finds that ONE second where I fully disappear from the frame and she goes “There.”

“But Ms. A, he is only out of the frame for one second then he’s right back, look that’s his arm being held back.”

“4 seconds. Um I mean *continues in Cantonese*” fucking bitch.

“4 seconds? You count 4 seconds he is out of the frame?”

“Yes, uh, hai” Notice how the translator isn’t even translating now because even she probably thinks this is pointless. 

“Well… I guess some of us seem to count much faster than others” LOOOOOL 

Keep in mind the timestamps of the CCTV footage are in the bottom corner and OBJECTIVELY, it is actually 1 second that I am gone from the screen. Like it is an actual fact but this bitch is somehow telling the judge and is convinced that I am gone for 4 seconds and that is more than enough time to do what I allegedly did. Judge Ho isn’t saying anything and I’m praying she’s just as disgusted as I am because I’m not even anxious anymore, the nervousness was just fully replaced with nauseousness of having to share the same air molecules as this failed genetic experiment. People were laughing and making jokes for the Amber Heard - Johnny Depp trial. I was not. I was actually brought back to a very dark place.Those two are cut from the same monster, shameless, pathological liars, the type to swear on their family and lie and feel no types of way, the ones who can actually fake tears on cue but have trouble hiding their evil smiles. Just straight evil. I know some dangerous people and some absolute fuckups but I feel like nothing topped the soullessness of this woman. The rest of her cross-examination went more or less in the same way, with Mr. Hunter finding it hard to have the same impact as earlier because everything kept having to be translated. Basically she was telling the absolute twisted version of the story, of how I snapped out of nowhere, fucked this guy up, made him bleed then fled the scene….. but you literally see me on camera going back into Ozu to close the bar because I didn’t do jack shit. Judge Ho actually didn’t say too much during her cross-examination probably because she could see right through this fucking psychopath and Mr. Hunter held it down nevertheless by bringing up hard facts that she of course tried to deny, like the part where she’s literally trying to hold him back. Of course my Hunter brought that footage up and it went something like this:

“But Ms. A, if your boyfriend wasn’t exhibiting threatening behaviour why do you have to be restraining him?”

“I wasn’t restraining h- .. *continues in Cantonese*”

Translator: “She is saying that it was out of affection and that she was tired and wanted to go home.”

Or this one:

“Ms. A, you know what’s funny is that we had your boyfriend in here a few hours ago”

“I know.”

“And he said the defendant banged his head on the floor, not the metal gate”

“No, the gate. For sure the gate.”

“But he didn’t say that.”

“I saw. Maybe he got hit so hard he forgot.”

“But if that was the case the defendant would have had to be real close to him. Your boyfriend couldn’t even identify him in the police lineup.”

“Yes but I did. The gate, for sure.”

Like……what????? Not only did she forget to put on the Canto front from time to time but every FACT was denied. The whole part of her trial I had the biggest stank face on over her outlandish performance of buffoonery. Like it was actually incredible, the lies she told and the way she tried to throw off Mr. Hunter. Finally after a blood-boiling hour where we just witnessed a witness lie and not get struck by lightning there were no further questions and again, everybody has to walk past me when they leave the courtroom and I’m a petty Scorpio so while she’s walking towards me I look her dead in the eye and I mouth the vilest Fuck. You. I have ever mouthed and wished nothing but misfortune and skin infections and failed chin grafts and bed bugs on this piece of shit. That was the last time I ever saw her and I hope she is doing horribly in life, I hope one of my scammer homies digitally robbed her 401k which made her put her life savings in Bitcoin but it plummeted so she’s down bad I hope she had to pawn all her jewellery and the shop only gave her 20% of what it’s actually worth, I hope that if she has kids they seenzone her Merry Christmas texts and if she doesn’t have kids I pray the frozen sperm from a nonathletic and unintelligent donor in the freezer will melt. I pray she doesn’t get any inheritance from her parents because their will specifically said not to give her shit I pray that her and her dickhead who put me through all this go through nothing but failure in all departments of life, I pray their property gets water damage and they don’t have insurance, I pray for mold on their walls. mosquitoes in the winter and cockroaches in their cereal god I fucking hate them so much. ‘Llow me this my friends because after I finally post this and finish this story I’m letting this shit go, for me. 

Mr. Hunter says his closing statements which was backed both by facts and video evidence, and of course, the prosecutie has to give a closing statement too and it’s kinda obvious that they don’t really got nothing because the power in the statements are super lopsided. It was like the 96 Bulls vs. the Guangdong Tigers. A lot of the facts are summarised and repeated, nothing new and I thought our arguments were super strong and that the judge would give the verdict on that day because I was CLEARLY not guilty but… my verdict and verdict only got adjourned to November 10th. Yeah. I was heartbroken because when I left the house that day I was doing that positive imagery shit in my head and I was about to beat my case then go home to take a nap and then celebrate my birthday but none of that happened. I actually went straight back to Yardbird to work my shift and…. let’s just say it wasn’t a great birthday for several reasons lol. The upside is, the prosecutie gave me a smile and I told her thank you and sorry for the trouble and she seemed pretty chill, and seemed convinced that I didn’t do it so that was nice. Happy birthday to me.

November 10th finally comes around and again, I’m dressed in a suit because if for some reason I don’t beat this case at least I’ll get locked up in style and my verdict will be in some offbrand courtroom way up on like the 10th floor or some shit. I think the verdict was like 2pm which is fucking phenomenal because nobody wanna go to jail in the morning cuz then that means you got a whole day of jail ahead of you and that day I woke up, just in case, I made sure somebody had my key so my cat would be taken care of if the worst case scenario happens. Manny doesn’t have to be there but he chooses to be and I was PRAYING that the two C-U-Next Tuesdays would be there too so when I beat the case I could full on curse them the FUCK out which I was dying to do but those two poisonous cyanide filled peas in a pod edamame fucks don’t show up so it’s me, Mr. Hunter, and Manny waiting in the courtroom while people slowly start filing in. The atmosphere is…. friendly with Mr. Hunter and the prosecutie chatting and making jokes, Manny patting my back like “You gon be a free man after this Yuri-san”, and he’s also chatting with some of the people in Canto and they are still shook that his Canto is perfect and I’m cracking up; good vibes. And the judge walks in and gets right to it….

“After careful consideration and reading both the prosecution and the defence’s testimonies I have come to the conclusion… that defendant Yuri Tomiyama, charged with one count of assault occasioning bodily harm at #1 Hollywood Road, Ozu Bar, on October 23rd at exactly 11:57PM is NOT GUILTY-“

I didn’t even hear the rest of what Judge Ho said cuz my mind just went blank. I actually teared up from relief. I can hear Manny from behind me like “I toooold you Yuri saaaan let’s go drink.” Mr. Hunter turns around in his seat and gives me a thumbs up. Looking like a successful frog. The judge is about to leave after saying all charges against me will be dropped and I can see a small smile on her face seeing how much this shit meant to me. My auntie crush meter is dinging. I hope that queen is doing well. I hope her loving husband gives her foot rubs and listens to her problems intently and they celebrate their anniversary together every year. I hope her kids don’t ever have to see the inside of a courtroom except for Take Your Kid to Work Day. I hope she is on holiday right now drinking mimosas on a beach with soft white sand, with her phone on DND because you deserve a break from crime boo. Free the mandem tho. “All rise.” I stand up and then I give her the most respectful Japanese bow I have ever dropped. Oh man, the relief I felt. 2 years of mental anguish, of jail cells, police check-ins, a lineup, getting arrested at the airport, court dates, lawyer fees, finally done. Over with. I can’t tell you in words how happy I felt that day. I really can’t.

Me and Manny did go day drinking before my shift at Yardbird that day. And sorry but the story got kinda unfunny towards the end just because it… really was not a funny time waiting for my verdict. I swear I started writing this story like 2 years ago so if you actually made it this far then thank you for reading. A lot of you guys constantly ask about my blog and it does mean a lot. I don’t know what the moral of the story is. Yeah it sounds funny but it was a very dark time in my life, even darker because the people who were supposed to be there for me were not. But I will finish this story with this one last highlight from that day at Eastern Magistrates Court. After the verdict is done, I shake hands with Mr. Hunter and tell him thank you for everything, for teaching me the word ‘gesticulating,’ and drop him my number and told him dinner at Yardbird is on me. I think he appreciated that quite a lot. We are sent back to the duty lawyer’s office where, my now friends, Mr. Chan and Auntie Elaine have already heard about me beating my case and are congratulating me. Well Mr. Chan is, Auntie Elaine just has a stern but tiny smile on her face but doesn’t say much, just “Ok. Good.” I say my goodbyes which was a little emotional because these people helped me out in the system and they were genuinely good people giving legal representation to people who couldn’t afford it. I am told to go collect my bail money that is owed to me at the office so me and Manny walk there and I hand in my paper but the office lady says… “That’s your court sheet, not the bail sheet. If you want your money you need to get your bail sheet.” I honestly have no clue where I kept it. I’m like flipping through my wallet and my papers but it’s not there, and I’m tryna plead my case like hey come on, I just beat my charge and I got the papers, can I just get my $500 back and then she says I can get a new bail sheet processed but that I will have to come back another day to get my money…. And then I look at her…. I look at Manny…. And then I laugh and say


The End.


3 Arrests, A Police Lineup, and a 2-Day Trial (Part 5.75)